
Bosporus Cimmerian

19 апреля 2020

   The Cimmerian Bosporus, later called the Kerch Strait, allows you to control the entrance to the fertile water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Azov - ancient Meotida. In winter it is possible to cross the ice from Taman to Crimea. Although it is not such a well-known bridge between civilizations as its elder brother the Thracian Bosporus, here the peoples of the Great Steppe, represented by the Cimmerians and Scythians, encountered the cities of the Hellenes and the Byzantine Empire. The oars of the Greek triremes, loaded with heavy Black Sea wheat, were churning the water, and the interruption of this route could cause famine in Athens. This export route still works and even breaks USSR’s. In the middle of the third century AD, Crimea was captured by the ancient Germanic Goths, some of whom continued to ravage the Romans in Asia Minor and Thrace, some remained and kept their identity. At the end of the 8th century, John of Gothia expelled the Khazars from Crimea, in the 10th century they returned, after the Goths formed an alliance with Svyatoslav end completely destroyed the Khazar Kaganate.

Crimean Gots

Illustration 1. Crimean Goth

   Christian leaders of the Goths asked for help Russian ruler, which worshiped old ethnical gods. In the 17th century in Theodoro, surrounded by a Muslim population, the Goths continued to use the alphabet created by Bishop Ulfilas in the 4th century A.D.! Later, the Great Steppe was represented by the Khazars and Cumans, and the domiciled civilization was represented by the Russian cities of the Tmutarakan principality. Later Italian thalassocracies entered the region. In 1206 Venice, together with the Cumans, was consolidated in Sougdaia (Sudak). Two years earlier, as part of the domination struggle in the eastern Mediterranean, Venice had landed a band of crusaders near Constantinople, the capital of Orthodox Christianity, which was looted, plundered and never fully recovered. So, control over the Cimmerian Bosporus was a consequence of control over the Thracian Bosporus and the Dardanelles. In 1261, the Genoese Republic and the Empire of Nicaea the Venetians from Constantinople and ruled over "Capitanatu Gotia", as they called Crimea.

Genoese routes and strongholds in the Black Sea

Illustration 2. Map of the Genoese trade routes in 12-15 centuries Black Sea

   Their caravels sailed from Flanders, Morocco, Tripoli and Egypt to the Crimean coast. From the end of the 15th century, these territories were occupied by the Ottoman Empire, and from 1782 they were taken by the Russian Empire. In 1790, the Turks tried to launch an amphibious assault in Bosporus Cimmerian, but were defeated by Ushakov’s fleet. In 1885, the Anglo-French invaders looted Kerch, blown up the blast furnace, stole equipment from the steel plant and ship it to England. In 1899 the son of the creator of the periodic table of chemical elements Vladimir Mendeleev proposed to build the dam over the strait. In 1918 the Crimea was occupied by the Kaiser's Reich, but six months later transferred it to the Entente and the White Army. The Bosporus risked being locked up by the British, who, together with other members of the Entente, decided to end the geopolitical existence of Turkey, limiting its territory to the area around Ankara with access only to the Black Sea. To prevent this, Soviet Russia donated more than 80 million Turkish liras in gold, which exceeded the annual budget of Mustafa Kemal's government in the 1920s. USSR delivered more than half of Kemal’s ammunition, a quarter of rifles and cannons, the third part of cannon projectiles and even 1,500 sabers! So, Soviet Russia indirectly pushed the Brits from the straits and ensured the exit to the Mediterranean Sea.

Coat of arms of Crimean Republic


Illustration 3. Modern Crimean coat of arms

   During the Second World War, the heirs of the ancient Germans tried to create «German Riviera» in the Crimea, build a highway from Hamburg to reach the «all-German health resort» (according to the fuhrer) in two hours. Crimea itself was supposed to be renamed Gotenland, Simferopol into Gotenburg, Sevastopol into Theoderichshafen (Theodoric — the leader of the Ostrogoths, by order of Basileus, he conquered the entire Apennine peninsula at the end of the 5th century AD, a descendant of Goths that passed through the Black Sea steppes two centuries earlier). In 1943, Hitler ordered the construction of a five-kilometer road and rail bridge across the Cimmerian Bosporus to support the invasion of Iran through the Caucasus; during the retreat of the German troops, it was partially destroyed, but in 1944 restored by Soviet military engineers. In the same year, a railway bridge was built, unfortunately, due to the December storms it was impossible to install all ice cutters, so in 1945 the bridge collapsed.

   In 2018 the new, the longest in Russia, the Crimean bridge was built. Only during the construction, the Il-2 close air support aircraft and the torpedo boat were raised from the bottom.

   Please pay attention to the cap of our Cimmerian warrior. Later it will be called the Phrygian cap, and despite the Phrygians themselves, who came from the Balkans according to Herodotus, the similarity of shields and helmets makes them relative to Cimmerians.

   This cap began to be worn by the freed slaves in Ancient Rome, as an attribute of Libertas — the goddess of freedom, which can be seen in New York. Ancient god Mithra wearing the same cap. Marianne, the topless symbol of the French Revolution, also wore it in red with a cockade. In 1792, Louis XVI was forced to put on a red cap, given to him with the pike.

Illustration 4. Beautiful French models in Phrygian caps 

Illustration 5. God Mitra in Phrygian cap kills the bull 

   The seal of the US Senate, the coats of arms of Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Paraguay — the red cap of freedom is everywhere.

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